Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Grand Lake SOLO Summer Vacation 2018 - Devil's Thumb Pass Trail

This Blog Entry has been written since Friday, July 13th...I had issues with uploading my pictures! I finally got some help from my amazingly smart cousin who is a computer genius! Ha! So here is this LOOOONNNGGG overdue blog post! 

On Friday, July 13th I did the Devil's Thumb Pass Trail. It was amazing! Nothing new when hiking in Colorado! It was in the Arapahoe National Forest, so Zoey & Mo could join me. We had a great time! Here are some of my highlights from the this beautiful hike...

1) The brisk morning breeze was perfect as we started this 8 mile out and back hike! We started at 8:30am.

2) I love that my furry kiddos love hiking as much as I do! Look how happy they are! And this picture of Mr. Mo. Could you die? I melt when I see this picture of my sweet boy. He has my heart.

3) The wildflowers! Oh my! The pictures do not do it justice. After about 3-3.5 miles you make it above tree line and they are EVERYWHERE. My breath was literally taken away. I couldn't help, but smile and thank the universe for this amazing gift after about 2 miles of straight climbing! I got to see one Columbine Flower. 💙

4) I saw two beautiful rocks that reminded me of my friend Molly H! She loves unique stones, so whenever I see beautiful stones/rocks I think of her! Molly you would have LOVED these stones. Per usual, the pictures doesn't do it justice.

5) I love that I got to meet a hiker that had hiked from Northern New Mexico! He had started in late May and had already done 400 miles. He was ending in Grand Lake, so he was on the final leg of his journey. I'm in "AWW" of people that do this. Maybe one day I'll have the desire to hike for a month or so? Right now, it doesn't sound appealing, but that could change!

6) I met 3 women who were probably all in their sixty's! Karen, Sharon & Hanna. Two of them lived in Grand County and one came up from Denver (Centennial). I saw them twice on the trail. Actually Karen took this picture of me, Zoey & Mo. I hope I still LOVE hiking when I'm in my sixty's!

7) I saw two male juvenile moose about a mile into the hike! They watched us like a hawk and I respected their space. I did snap this photo before continuing on the trail!

8) The false summit! You gotta love them and you know when hiking a pass you are most likely going to have at least one! I thought of an analogy as I came upon this false summit. False summits are like gotta get past the false summits (guys!) to make it to the REAL summit (where the real beauty is) ! I'm patiently waiting for that REAL summit and until I get to that summit I'll enjoy the journey and challenge of the climb. :) How's that for an analogy? Seriously though dating in your mid-thirties is a chore. I would much rather be at home with my pups binge watching a series on Netflix or ID Discovery. Ha!

9) The summit! Worth the 2,200 elevation gain. Worth the heavy breathing. Worth the effort. All the best "things" in life never come easy. That's why I LOVE hiking big mountains! The challenge to get somewhere beautiful for the view. The thrill of being on the edge of a mountain is unbeatable. When you feel like your in the clouds...that's where I feel the most alive!

I hope you enjoyed this blog entry! If you are ever in Grand County and want a challenging but doable this one! It's worth it.


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