Friday, July 13, 2018

Grand Lake SOLO Summer Vacation 2018 - Kayaking on Grand Lake & Shadow Mountain Lake

On Wednesday, July 11th I gave my legs (and pups!) a break and decided to kayak on Grand Lake & Shadow Mountain! It was AMAZING! I walked into town (about 1.25 miles) and rented a kayak. I was on the water by 10:10am. It was quiet at this hour still. The water was smooth and I was off!

I kayaked probably 3miles or so! I was out on the water for 2.5 hours. It was amazing! I HIGHLY recommend renting a kayak on Grand Lake and doing this. I went all they way to the islands on Shadow Mountain Lake where no motor boats are allowed.

It's funny. I had texted a few of my girlfriends pictures of this and one of them responded with "I want your life!" And another one responded with "Me too!!" It's funny because I could say the same thing about each of these women with whom I admire. It was in this moment I felt complete gratitude for a career that allows me to take this time off to take care of me! :) 

Today (Friday the 13th) I did another amazing hike! I can't wait to share that blog entry and pictures with you all!

Happy Friday!


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Grand Lake SOLO Vacation 2018 - Columbine Lake Trail

Of course, I think it's an awesome post! ;) Plus, you get to see my amazing photos from my hike at the end. :) 

On Tuesday, July 10th I made the hour plus drive to the Junco Lake Trailhead in Arapahoe National Forest. I like hiking in the national forest land because my furry kiddos are allow to join me! :) My bestie from junior high school did this hike the week before with her husband and 1.5 year old (who was in a backpack, of course!) when they were visiting me for the 4th of July holiday!  Sheffield...thank you, thank you, thank you for telling me about this hike! It's one of my favorites of all times now. You know why...because of how I felt on this hike.

Let me tell you...I love hiking! I love being in nature. I love that hiking takes you places a car can't. I simply love that. Plus, you can disconnect from the internet and technology. That my friends is the best gift you can give yourself. My opinion, of course. :) I dare you to try it if you haven't.

This hike. WOW! First of all, I started early. Remember my last blog entry...I don't want to be with the crowds. I want the trail to myself. It's worth getting up early to me for this alone. When I registered at the trailhead there was only one other group of 2 ahead of me, but they weren't going to Columbine Lake since they were backpacking. This meant Columbine Lake was for me! YAY! Now let's get to hiking.

Again, when you hike alone you do need to be extra aware of your surroundings. My dogs stay on leashes at all times for their safety and mine. Wild animals look at them as wolves aka predators. I need to be in control if we come across wildlife. Before starting any hike I always tell my mom (yes, my mom in Texas) what trail I'm doing and estimated time of completion. Then she is my first call/text when I'm back in cell range. If she doesn't hear from me then she knows to notify the local authorities. Thank goodness we have yet to worry about this. :)

Columbine Lake Trail was roughly 3.6 miles to the lake with steady elevation gain. This gave me roughly 2 hours of alone time. When you are out in the wild all alone you have time to be with yourself, your thoughts. There are very few times in life we get that opportunity. Tuesday was a gift for me.

First of all, I thought about my parents. How lucky am I to still have both of my parents. I've had several really really good friends lose a parent this year. This has hit me hard. I've cried randomly thinking about the day that I can't just pick up the phone and call either one of them. I'm crying as I type this and think about this day.  BUT hopefully this won't be for a LONG LONG TIME! So let me tell you about my parents...they are my biggest cheerleaders and biggest advocates. They love and support me unconditionally. They talk me off ledges.  They respect me. They allow me to be me. Even in my crazy moments. Yes, I have those moments. Doesn't everyone? My parents are gift. I'm grateful they are my mom & dad.

Second, I thought of my dear friend William. William died unexpectedly on February 18th. It was a Sunday. A day I'll never forget. While hiking there was a bird that kept presenting himself to us along the trail. I knew this was William keeping me safe. I knew it was. There was something about this little bird always on the trail in front of me and looking back at me giving me the "I got you girl" look that gave me a sense of peace. That was William to me. He always felt safe to me. He was the protector. William was with me on this hike. He loved the mountains. He loved me. How lucky that I had him for 18 years in my life. I wish I had more, but life sometimes just doesn't seem fair. I'm grateful he was in my life for 18 years and I'm grateful he was my friend. I'll always look for signs of William because I know he is still with me.

Lastly, I thought about my life. All of it. My amazing career too dating too friendships. Life. What a powerful little word it is. We are given one. That hit me on this hike. Aren't we all searching for our "purpose?" I thought about this on this hike. What was my purpose? I can't answer that yet, but let me tell you...I'm far from perfect. I'm a work in progress. Somethings I'm AWESOME at...other things I stink at. And that's ok.  The thing I thought about most was "Alli, do you like hanging out with yourself?" Think about that for you like hanging out with yourself? Or do you need to be around others and/or have constant distractions (i.e. TV,  Social Media)?

So when I was hiking with literally NO OTHER DISTRACTIONS I thought about what I would be like to date and/or be friends with. Do I like myself? Do I like spending time with me? Because if I don't like spending time with myself how can I expect others to enjoy my company? Wow. I realize then that I will always need to make sure I find time for myself. Like yourself is SO important. Especially in a world that we are constantly comparing ourselves to others. We are filtering photos before putting them on social media (guilty!) and wanting to show that our lawn is just as green as our "friends" lawn. You know...the saying "That grass is always greener." I love my life. I really do. But I have moments of sadness, loneliness and self doubt. This hike I felt more alone than ever, but felt complete happiness at the same time. Weird combo, right? The moment I made it to Columbine Lake the tears hit me along with the biggest smile ever. I felt more alive in this moment. Good thing I was the only one at the lake because I let the tears flow. I felt alive. I felt accomplished. I felt happy. True happiness. I felt gratefulness.

Here are the pictures from this hike. You've earned them if you have read this far! :)

These pictures are not filtered. (Hello dry lips!) The only time I will post selfies is in this platform of sharing my story or a story. Plus, I had to prove I did this hike! :)

I hope you enjoyed this blog entry. Life. Enjoy it. Live YOUR life. You do you. And I'll do me.  Happy Thursday from Grand Lake!


Grand Lake SOLO Summer Vacation 2018 - Monarch Lake Hike

It's been 6 years awhile since I last blogged. While hiking on Tuesday (July 10th) I thought about my blog and all things I want to remember, share and what I was feeling at certain times and events in my life. Hence why I'm writing today.

On Monday, July 9th  I took Zoey & Mo around Monarch Lake in Arapahoe National Forest & Indian Peaks Wilderness. It's one of my favorite hikes because 1) it's beautiful; 2) it's a loop around the lake; 3) It's only 4 miles and I can get it done in less than 2 hours! We started early to avoid the crowds. Which is why I escape to the mountains. I love people, but I need time away and time alone. I've learned this about myself since starting real estate.

Here are some pictures from our Monarch Lake. I love my furry kiddos so much.

Being in nature is good for my soul! Yes, hiking alone brings it's own "thrill," but I highly recommend it. You learn a lot about yourself and you are more aware of your surroundings. I turn my phone to airplane mode, so I can still take pictures and I enjoy being disconnected. Though most the hikes I do are not within cell range...YAY! :)

One of the coolest things about this hike on this particular day is we came upon a baby (yes, baby!) owl on the trail. I couldn't believe it. Zoey and Mo were sweet as pie to this little baby. I wanted to snap a picture, but I knew the mom had to be close, so I wanted to respect that baby owl and just remember in my mind seeing that sweet baby. I want a baby owl now! Do yourself a favor and google pictures of baby owls. You'll know what I mean! :) When I got home I decide to look up what the universe could possibly be telling me since I saw a baby owl in broad day light on a trail. Well, there are different thoughts on this, but my favorite was that the universe is telling me good things are coming my way since it's such a rarity to see owls...let alone in the day time! Bring on the "good" Universe!

Stick around for my next entry which will be about Columbine Lake Trail off Junco Lake Trailhead! That hike moved me to tears...